Design + Illustration

Pattern Bliss

At Pattern Bliss blog I'll be sharing my favorite surface pattern design inspirations, trends, a sneak peek my pattern designs, my favorite shoes, and, of course, cute dog pictures. Plus you'll get a glimpse of what goes on inside my studio in my sketchbook series.

From My Sketchbook -- A Fresh Botanical Color Story

A fresh botanical design by Chris Olson -- and the process of finding the perfect color story |

Today I'm sharing a glimpse inside my textile design process. My eye is naturally drawn to a vibrant pink because it speaks to love and friendship. In a botanical I like to include pink because it shows a softer side of the red hue—a hue that demands attention. Pink on the other hand attracts attention. Pink is the color of the goddess of love Venus—sensuous, delicious, and seductive without being overpowering. I paired it with other warm and friendly colors to create my botanical design. This design is a work in progress, check back next week and I'll share my finished artwork.

Creating a color story for my surface pattern collections is all about finding a beautiful balance of hues that look good together. Today's design work features a twist on a feminine color palette—it combines both a warm and fresh vibe. I hope you've enjoyed this glimpse inside my design process. 

A fresh botanical design by Chris Olson -- and the process of finding the perfect color story |